Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2012...Not The Best Starts For Some, corrections:

* correct: website should be VanInwagen_does_NOT_stink.LI as noted by the fanbase. "We tried to get a more familiar website domain origin", states fan Imma Weasel "but Liechtenstein was the only Country willing to host us".

For the record:

Name                 W        L         T   

Kurtz                  6         5          0
RIchmond           6         4          0
Gregory              2         2          0 - West coast tour not included
VanInwagen        1*        9**        0***

2012....Not the Best Start For Some


In what appeared to start as another wildly one sided affair with Dave VanInwagen taking, yet again, another beating this time at the hands of Mike Gregory and yet again by Dana Richmond ended up not to be so, or so it first appears.

In the Northeast rankings VanInwagen has proven to be a solid performer in the past, that is if you definition of the past is the 2011 season where he placed solidly to get into the finals. As the 2012 season started we saw expansion team Becky Kurtz come out of nowhere and put Richmond, and especially CanInwagen (as called by his fans of late for being at the bottom of the trash'can') fighting for life in the standings.

If you recall BanInwagen (as called by his ex-fans in an attempt to get him banned from the Division) was involved in the highly publicized 'handshake' game of 2012. In what should have been a comfortable win at the expense of team Richmond ended up being what has been called the 'Slap down at Slab City'. "Kicked to the balls I tell you, kicked to the balls", VanInwagen was overheard stating repeatedly after the 3 hour blood fest.

That game was followed by the 'Bombing at Baghdad' where TanInwagen (as called by his fans who think he should spend less time sun tanning and more time practicing dice rolling)  where somehow what looked like a comfortable win ended up being yet another disappointing loss.

Monday night game night started similar to how the 2012 season had started, with FanInwagen (as called by his one fan from his dwindling fan base who has recently started selling 'Vaninwagen - let's not forget' t-shirts via the internet www.VanInwagen_does_NOT_stink.com $19.95 +S&H...all sizes available). As what has become known as the 'VanInwagen start' he promptly took hold of last place and refused to give it up. This particular night China wanted nothing to do with him and he proved Vegas was a place to avoid at all costs. "If I can't win then nobody will win. OK that makes no sense at all!" he was heard muttering.

Blood Bowl 2012 should have been a notch on the old die for team VanInwagen but nothing has come easy for him in 2012. At the beginning of the game the scoreboard showed Richmond with 3 points, Gregory with 8 and VaInwagen with 50! "A mistake, I swear it!!" VanInwagen was heard saying as the score was changed to reflect the truth. Yet another asterisks follows team VanInwagen. It appears even this long sought after victory has tainted his winning streak of one game. What's next we're left to wonder...a 75 yard field goal in 1st and Goal? an indestructible space ship in Galaxy Trucker or maybe even another gaming error 'I thought the black chip was 1 not 10! I guess I only have 4 dollars then not the 325million I show, sorry'.

Team RanInwagen (as called by his fans who are concerned by his apparent 'ran to the door incident' to make a cell call instead of taking his turn leaving them to wonder where his priorities are in the 2012 season) has a lot to prove in 2012. We'll certainly keep an eye out to see if this one time 'Boy Wonder' has anything left in him or if he was one of the many boy bands who have come...left their mark...and now are a part of history with an occasional reunion tour. With a one, possibly 2 week by, we'll see if he can once again find his stride and prove wortth of seating himself with the likes of Gregory, Kurtz and Richmond.

Oh The Pain...


In what appeared to start as another wildly one sided affair with Dave VanInwagen taking, yet again, another beating this time at the hands of Mike Gregory and yet again by Dana Richmond ended up not to be so, or so it first appears.

In the Northeast rankings VanInwagen has proven to be a solid performer in the past, that is if you definition of the past is the 2011 season where he placed solidly to get into the finals. As the 2012 season started we saw expansion team Becky Kurtz come out of nowhere and put Richmond, and especially CanInwagen (as called by his fans of late for being at the bottom of the trash'can') fighting for life in the standings.

If you recall BanInwagen (as called by his ex-fans in an attempt to get him banned from the Division) was involved in the highly publicized 'handshake' game of 2012. In what should have been a comfortable win at the expense of team Richmond ended up being what has been called the 'Slap down at Slab City'. "Kicked to the balls I tell you, kicked to the balls", VanInwagen was overheard stating repeatedly after the 3 hour blood fest.

That game was followed by the 'Bombing at Baghdad' where TanInwagen (as called by his fans who think he should spend less time sun tanning and more time practicing dice rolling)  where somehow what looked like a comfortable win ended up being yet another disappointing loss.

Monday night game night started similar to how the 2012 season had started, with FanInwagen (as called by his one fan from his dwindling fan base who has recently started selling 'Vaninwagen - let's not forget' t-shirts via the internet www.VanInwagen_does_NOT_stink.com $19.95 +S&H...all sizes available). As what has become known as the 'VanInwagen start' he promptly took hold of last place and refused to give it up. This particular night China wanted nothing to do with him and he proved Vegas was a place to avoid at all costs. "If I can't win then nobody will win. OK that makes no sense at all!" he was heard muttering.

Blood Bowl 2012 should have been a notch on the old die for team VanInwagen but nothing has come easy for him in 2012. At the beginning of the game the scoreboard showed Richmond with 3 points, Gregory with 8 and VaInwagen with 50! "A mistake, I swear it!!" VanInwagen was heard saying as the score was changed to reflect the truth. Yet another asterisks follows team VanInwagen. It appears even this long sought after victory has tainted his winning streak of one game. What's next we're left to wonder...a 75 yard field goal in 1st and Goal? an indestructible space ship in Galaxy Trucker or maybe even another gaming error 'I thought the black chip was 1 not 10! I guess I only have 4 dollars then not the 325million I show, sorry'.

Team RanInwagen (as called by his fans who are concerned by his apparent 'ran to the door incident' to make a cell call instead of taking his turn leaving them to wonder where his priorities are in the 2012 season) has a lot to prove in 2012. We'll certainly keep an eye out to see if this one time 'Boy Wonder' has anything left in him or if he was one of the many boy bands who have come...left their mark...and now are a part of history with an occasional reunion tour. With a one, possibly 2 week by, we'll see if he can once again find his stride and prove wortth of seating himself with the likes of Gregory, Kurtz and Richmond.