Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crokinole Has Its Day

Finally received the crokinole board from Mayday games last week after a long long wait. Preordered many months ago for $99 to include shipping I thought, and still think, it was a great deal. Yes it has some sort of rings on it you can view if you look in just the right angle. Yes the lines are on top of the finish for whatever reason but again, for $99 it is a steal. I believe now the cost has jumped to $148 and I am not sure that includes the shipping. At that price if the above issues were not fixed you would have reason to complain. I find none of the issues I bring up a factor in game play just an issue with the perfectionist in me.
 As you can see none of the items I mentioned can be seen at all. What you can see is my unfortunate wife taking a beating (she is green) after a round. In her defense we are on our last glass of wine from a bottle we drank much too fast. The wine was to die for btw, our first try of it and loved it. Parallele 45 I believe the name of the wine to be and I would recommend it to all. Tonight we try again our flicking strength and accuracy. In-laws Dave and Julie are expected soon for a nice homey spaghetti dinner and game. With all the practice Lisa got last evening I hope to have her on my team, and we'll be feeding the other two lots of wine...

Well now...played the best of 3 games with Jules and Dave and they narrowly won. Lisa and I kicked butt on the first game but such a nice comeback from them in the end. Julie showed the most improvement and that made all the difference on the world.  Great game and like Dave said, "great laughs!"