Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The dungeon is being explored with a few Heroes brave enough to venture in to it. 

The monsters attack...traps are sprung and treasure is found if your lucky enough.

Working together has it's advantages but.....

The Boss is exposed and a massive fight begins...

Finally slain a Summing Stone is found and wanted by ALL players, the tide turns.

Alliances once drawn are no longer valid...backstabbing commences for only one can win, only one can escape the deeply carved out dungeon with the Stone and only ONE can leave the dungeon and be crowned the owner of the Summoning Stone - the winner.

Dungeon Run

Coming off as a co-op game it is far from it. You may need assistance in taking on a monster or two but your 'ally' helping you gets a nice heal out of the assistance, and you really don't want to help them out but you SO can use the help at times.

The game takes on a new ambiance once the Boss is dead because you soon see that YOU are the Boss when carrying the Summoning Stone, and with that ALL want to see you dead. Fast paced and fun thematic game has become popular...and a game Dave can't seem to lose no matter what Hero he draws. It has now become a game where Dave is closely watched and  sabotaging him is not unheard of when he fights a monster or attempts an escape. Good luck next time Dave, you will need it.

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